Design and decor Out and about

Tips for small spaces

Earlier this month, I caught up with Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan at one of his speaking events. He founded the giant home and lifestyle blog Apartment Therapy. If you haven’t visited his website lately, you should! It’s been redesigned into an even sleeker inspiration destination. Maxwell brought some of that inspiration with him and shared his tips […]


When Pinterest is down check out Svpply

I’m addicted to Pinterest! As with any other new big web destination it can have a few (or a lot – Remember all the Twitter fail whales!) of hiccups now and again, especially in the beginning. For those times when Pinterest is down you can head over to where there is more “pinning” fun […]

DIY projects

26 Projects for leftover Christmas wrapping paper

Are you dreading the inevitable mountain of Christmas wrapping paper that’s fast approaching? Fear not! I’ve got some suggestions to help you put all that paper back to work! This list doesn’t work just for Christmas wrapping paper, but also all sorts of wrapping paper, all year round. Plain wrapping paper Wrapping paper that’s not […]

DIY projects

4 Ways inspiration helps

This is the first of three posts on inspiration. Inspiration is a big part of my creative process. I don’t start any projects without it! I’ll explain how inspiration can help you, how you can find it, and how you can use it. Let’s take your projects from everyday crafting to sublime objet d’art. First […]