DIY projects

HOW TO 3 easy stars

Plastic bag star

1. Fuse a plastic bag. If you need instructions for fusing plastic, check out my tutorial. Cut a 3/4″ wide strip of fused plastic to about 23″ in length.

2. Tie an overhand knot, keeping the tail end at least 1 1/2″ long. Don’t tighten the knot completely. If you need instructions for tying an overhand knot, check out my tutorial.

3. Tie three more overhand knots.

4. Insert the standing end into the first knot, but leave about 3/4″ out of the knot.

5. Loop the working end up, behind, and then through the center of the star.

6. Tie4 the final knot. Cut the working end to about 1 1/2″.

7. Fold the end to create a point. Insert the point into the first knot to secure working end and finishing the star.

8. To better secure the working end, use a glue gun to apply a very small amount of the hot glue to the point before tucking.

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